

Résumés, curricula vitae and selection criteria responses:

Job seekers can be too close to the final product to see something needs improvement. These documents might communicate your experience and education, but depending on your circumstances, you might be better off putting your soft skills first, or it may be beneficial to focus on one specific previous position. A one-size-fits-all scenario does not exist. I don't write these documents for clients, but I do structural reviews, assess the documents for applicability to specific job advertisements, and I ensure there are no grammar or spelling mistakes.


These are the types of communications most businesses use to keep in touch with both potential and existing clients. If small typographical errors appear regularly in your newsletter, it can harm your business rather than promote it.

Maintaining a newsletter is hard work. It takes focus and an eye for detail. When deadlines rear their heads, many businesses do not have time to adjust an awkward sentence or fiddle with punctuation or make decisions about tone and point of view. All these aspects of language usage will affect your target audience when you send them your newsletter. It is important to get these communications right.

Online Articles: 

Whether it is a press release or a piece designed to maintain your authority in a particular sphere, I can edit it to ensure its clarity, protect the voice and positioning of the business, advise on the structure of the article as well as on appropriate keywords in order to attract search engine traffic.


Are you a thought leader in your area of expertise? Writing a book is a good way to demonstrate this. Develop disciples who will rave about you and your business. I can work with you on both the structure of your book as well as the intricacies of diction.

Or perhaps you're writing your life story, and you need an objective eye to help you bring the work to a publishable standard. I can help you traverse the sometimes rocky waters of ethics and autobiography as well as suggest fictional techniques to give the book immediacy.

Alternatively, maybe you have written some speculative fiction or a romance. I can help you with that too. I have edited science fiction, paranormal and romance fiction. I am the author of a genre mashup combining elements of science fiction, paranormal, fantasy and romance fiction.

Procedure Manuals:

These internal written communications are routinely left on the backburner. Or the task is given to a junior staff member who has been with the company for two months. The lack of a procedure manual is not an issue until a key staff member leaves abruptly, and you are left to either do it yourself or try to train someone else.

It is important to transform your informal procedures into a standardised document. This is more like a form of insurance than anything else. If you have noticed that your staff handle customer inquiries differently, you need a sales procedure.

Most businesses know they need procedures, but because we are all time poor, the half-written or outdated procedure manual sits hidden in your drawer. I encourage you to call a staff meeting today and instruct your employees to write down their daily activities to update your procedures today. Once they have finished, we can start to develop a cohesive procedure that links each aspect of your business.

Student Assignments:

I do not write assignments, but I will edit student assignments for the strength of your argument, grammar, structure and style.

Students can also take advantage of my grammar fix option. I will assess one thousand words of your assignment and diagnose your particular grammatical problems. This is probably the best way for you to learn how to construct your sentences properly. Unfortunately, our education system does not put enough emphasis on grammar, so our university graduates--even teachers--are churned out without a good grasp of spelling and grammatical skills.