
About Me

My name is Jenny Mathers. I write fiction under the pseudonym of Georgia Carter Mathers. I know the value of clarity, but I also know the value of creativity. If you can't get a succinct message across to your target audience about what makes your business and/or your book special, you've got problems.

Why did I call this editing service painless?

It all has to do with the author-editor relationship and the principle that your best marketing tool is to write great books.

I help authors avoid the pain of overpriced and under-delivered editing services, which communicate that the editor cares only about the author's money. I don't work like this. I still want to be paid, but I genuinely care about my authors.

Even accomplished authors are predisposed to depression, the need for perfection, and the fear of failure. The aim of my feedback is to encourage, supercharge creativity, and explore innovation in the narrative.

This approach is more likely to translate into books that delight readers. The process flows on, and in turn, it translates into word-of-mouth activity about your books and a growing readership. Remember what I said: the best marketing is to write great books. This is how you can make this happen.

I'll still correct grammar and spelling, and I'll still harp on about the importance of proofreading, but more than this, I help you avoid the pain, and I'll help you grow your readership by growing your creativity. It's that simple.

I'll still be here in twenty years, helping authors convey their ideas and find the readers who will treasure their work. I am tertiary educated with a Bachelor of Arts (Psych) from the University of New England. I also hold an Associate Degree of Creative Writing from Southern Cross University and a Graduate Certificate in Publishing at The University of Sydney.

I take words seriously. Based in Toowoomba, I work with clients around Australia. I work according to the Australian Style manual as well as The Chicago Manual of Style.

My Memberships:

The Institute for Professional Editors (IPEd)